2023 End of Year Trip - Patagonia

Happy New Year everyone, wish you all an amazing 2024! I have been slacking off on my blog, and I am going to try to revive this as much as I can in 2024 :) I guess you can say this is my new year resolution!

Let’s start with our most recent trip! Patagonia has been on our list for a long time and we finally decided to go there for our annual end of year trip for 2023.

We were there for 2 weeks - spent half of the time in Chile and the other half on the Argentinean side. When I was doing research for the trip, most people seem to like the Chilean side of Patagonia a lot more, but we actually think that it’s worth going to both (I will tell you more later)! Unfortunately, this trip is pretty nature-focused, so we didn’t get to experience the culture as much although we were in Chile and Argentina. This was actually our first time in Chile, but I am not sure we have really been in Chile, you know?

Anyways, before I get into details in the later posts, let me give you all an overview of our itinerary:
Day 1 - Arrived in Puerto Natales, took the bus to Punta Arenas
Day 2 - Penguin tour
Day 3 - Bus back to Puerto Natales
Day 4-8 - Torres del Paine W trek
Day 9 - Bus to El Chalten
Day 10 - Laguna de Los Tres (Sendero Monte Fitz Roy) Trail
Day 11 - Horseback riding tour
Day 12 - Laguna Torre Trail
Day 13 - Bus to El Calafate
Day 14 - Perito Moreno Glacier Tour
Day 15 - Back to Puerto Natales, plane back home :)

Because there were quite a bit of hiking, like LONG HIKING DAYS (we did around 75miles / 120km total across 6 days), so there were also some rest / travel days in between by design to allow for recovery. Having completed the trip, we think this is a pretty reasonable itinerary for people with average fitness level. Stay tuned for more details on our trip :)
