Bye Bye 2017, Hello 2018.


I cannot believe it is 2018 already. Happy New Year and best of luck to everyone!

End-of-year post is always the hardest for me because I have to think back what I have done or not done in the past year. Did I achieve what I wanted? Is there anything I wish I would have done? Any regrets? All tough questions. But I am proud to say I did the best I could in 2017.

This year has passed by in a blink. I still remember writing the 2016 post last year, thinking that I had a great travel year and 2017 is going to be a tough year to follow due to numerous uncertainties. Although I did not travel as much as I did in 2016, it might have been the most eventful year in my life so far. I got married to Guai Lo, managed to graduate and get my PhD, and found my first real-world job! Everything went so smoothly that I could not ask for a better year. Although I did not travel as much this year, I have accomplished a lot of my personal milestones, and it is time to say goodbye to the awesome 2017. In 2018, I hope to travel as much as my time would allow and see the world as much as I still can. I am writing this at the end of our Austria trip here in Vienna, which means blog posts coming up soon!! I can’t wait to start 2018 by sharing this amazing impromptu trip that we had with everyone! Frohes Neues Jahr!!
